Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Adam Schiff Demonstrate His Preparations for Impeachment hearings : A Freelance Insanity! (Video)

Goodness! Here is a short video of Adam Schiff getting ready for today's impeachment hearing where he is in total control. He is judge, jury and executioner! There is no legal process that he has to follow, he can do and say what ever he wants. The opposition has no rights for rebuttal without his permission, none!! How has this become mainstream in America?

Adam Schiff beclowns himself with a remorseless neurosis of false pithy and ruthless lawlessness!

The president is ''guilty'' and must prove himself innocent. Justice in America? This is progressive socialist justice. History is riff with socialist examples from the twentieth century!!

Actually Adam Schiff is in total control of the entire government of checks and balances. He can dictate who wins and who loses in these hearings. But when it fails, and it will, who will be to blame for such an outrageous debauchery of justice?

Why easy, Donald Trump and the Republicans. They should have stood up and stopped this. The progressive democrats will take no responsibility for the destruction in our government and our way of life for individual freedom and liberty.

And the media will be front and center to relay this message of failure on the part of everyone except the progressive leftist democrats, that will listen.


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