Saturday, November 02, 2019

Baghaddi Wanted Virgins : Instead He Got Special Operators!!!

That is what the democrats told them and most of their followers believe this fantasy as well. democraqts will do and say anything to gain power. Adam Schiff? Who knew Adam had a brother in arms?

Baghdadi likes of all sizes of humans to denigrate and destory. The democrats take little notice of this as it doesn't fit the narrative very well even though they don't give a dam one way or the other! If Baghdadi can be used to further the democrats quest for power, they will welcome him aboard. Aah, I guess they did welcome him in the Washington Post, called out President Trump for killing a ''religious scholar'' and leader of Islamic movement.

Don't vote democrat. Goodness, these people are not in this country to make it better.

The real people in the trenches say virgins be dammed! May he rot in the worse hell where the fire burns the hottest!!

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