Sunday, August 04, 2019

Rep. Cummings Has A History : Pull up the rope, I'm Aboard!

Again, it's just more politics. Sure, things are not good but look on the other side of he coin, I'm still in power no matter what happens. What I've said in the past and what I will continue to say now about Baltimore is irrivlent. It is what it is!

Just look at all of those years where I have been in power and did nothing for the residence of that great city. I don't know what to do for those people. The problem has always been there. Who really cares about those people that have no future other then voting like they are told?

I'm a democrat and I approve of this message and my history. It's worked well for me all those years of living the good life.

It's the cry of the modern porgressive socialist liberal democrats, no matter the color of their skin, ''Pull up the rope, I'm aboard''! All others be dammed!

Rep. Cummings does have a history of finding reason why he hasn't done
anything for Baltimore. It isn't about them, it's about him.

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