Monday, August 12, 2019

Michael Moore Says Climate Change Agenda A Fraud? : Something Stinks!!

Down load the article below to get grasp of where Moore is headed and then sit back a minute to comprehend how spots can just fall off the leopard as he becomes a pussy cat.

This is interesting in that Michael Moore and his lunatic friends like Van Jones, a communist, have always been over-the-top progressives socialist liberal democrats on all issues, but now, all of a sudden, they have a change of heart??? Just like that???

In those now famous words from our former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, ''One must a willingness to suspend disbelief'' to understand how such a sudden total change of heart could take place. 

If history is any indication of what will happen in the present, Moore is lying but what is his motivation? What is his hidden agenda? There is no way he could suddenly become ''real'' instead of a mental criminal.

 His agenda change is something to keep an eye on as it might be just the tip of the berg. What's next is the question.

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