Monday, April 02, 2018

''The Government is Here to Help'' : They Want To Steal You Blind!

We know who the democrats are. And now we know who the Republicans are
as well.
And then the govenement guy came to your  door and said ''I'm here to help''.

Your first instinct should be to run for cover as the government is the same one that it has been there for decades if not generations. Their intentions are to steal what ever you have but proclaim they are here to help.

The saddest part of all this is we as the voters have allowed the nightmare to continue. We never, it seems say enough is enough.

Oh wait, maybe we did do something right, we elected Donald Trump. Still, with nearly half of the Republicans that rode into office on his coat tails are working to destroy him, we still have a huge hill to climb over to fix our government. How come? What now?

First of all, never vote for any more progressive democrats at any level of government. And secondly contact the Republicans in your districts, if you have any, then find out how they are voting and if it isn't in support of the Trump agenda, explain to them your are going to vote for some else in the next election.

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