Sunday, April 15, 2018

The Four Horseman of the Middle East : Who Is the forth?

These four plus many more are ready to take our freedom.

And the four came to wage war, to kill and destroy. The forth horseman is death followed closely by Hades.

The only way to stop them is to recognize them for who they are. Otherwise all is lost.

This is not a video game where you can shut it down to escape the consequences of making a mistake.

Those that mean to do us harm, both foreign and domestic organizations are real and dedicated to their cause.

To ignore this is a willingness to the acceptance of loss of the freedom to chose and therefore enslavement to the demands of others that have taken the power to control you.

Don't believe it can happen here?

Most of Cable news, main stream news media and nearly all printed material is dedicated today to ''transform'' our civil society. Every day and night the story is the same, 'we know what is best for you and having the individual freedom to chose is not good. You need others to tell you what is right and what is wrong.'

And knowing this is coming and doing nothing is beyond comprehension. We all have the power to chose. So chose wisely.

Remember, ''Freedom means having nothing else to lose''. Sadly, for many the only way to find this out is to have freedom denied. Of course, by then it's too late. And worse, maybe they don't care.

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