Sunday, April 22, 2018

Starbucks Closed for One Day : The Group Think Crowd Panicked

You can run from your fears but doing so without a Starbucks coffee cup in your hand is asking too much. Much like the cell phone neurotic behavior, having a cup of coffee in your hand while walking down the street is a must prop, and not just any cup but a Starbucks cup, that will explain to everyone that you except the notion and ideology of group think and therefore are relieved of the fear of being attacked for individual thought and actions.

Can there be anything worse then being cast out of the group for nonconformity to the excepted narrative and beliefs that everyone else has. Self esteem and security is found in being accepted.

The outside world is cold and fearful and must be avoided at all costs. panicked 

Being accepted in the group is security. Being shunned is death.

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