Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Progressives In A Corner : Republicans Are Racist? Not Jimmy Carter?

'Nothing to see here' says the progressive socialist democrats, just always remember that Trump is the enemy and that the only way to solve all our problems as a nation is to defeat the
Republicans and Conservatives that believe government is the problem and it's power must be diminished, relegated to a support role rather then a status of a god.

Well if that's the case, who will take care of you if government power is kicked to the curb?

I wonder why democrats have to always rely on the ''racists'' statement to try and establish their qualifications, their creditability as illegitimate leaders of this nation in the public forum? Does character assassination really work for the democrats?

Could it be that they have nothing else to offer? Are they completely devoid of issues, ideas that benefit the nation and any kind of ethical or moral principles? Anyone that believes the progressive socialist democrats want only the best for everyone is still asleep or a member of the 'Walking Dead'.

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