Saturday, February 10, 2018

democrats Believe Power Is Theirs by Right : Regaining Power for Them Is a Sickness.

It's called a willingness for delusion and deceit. It's called a strategy to deceive the general public with the notion that they are serious and ethical in their actions to destroy a president of the United States that was legitimately elected by the voting population.

Medical professionals call it neurological. A neurotic belief that they are born to lead and any opposition to their right must be destroyed. A psychosis, if you will, that has infested the entire progressive liberal party.

And by definition a reality for democrats after that fatal night back in November 8 and 9th of 2016 where their fantastic candidate Hillary Clinton, that was born to lead, and all of the pole said so by huge margins, was kicked under the bus by the voters. So here is what has happened to the progressive socialist democrats by definition :

Psychosis is a serious mental disorder characterized by thinking and emotions that indicate that the person experiencing them has lost contact with reality.

Does the democrat actions appear to be sinister, morally depraved in it's agenda and ideology? It fits the definition doesn't it

Worst, of course, is that the democrats actually, really believe their collective actions of lies and deception are a legitimate means to regain power from someone that stole what is theirs by right.

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