Sunday, February 11, 2018

California Is coming For You : A Rogue State of Progressives democrats

California believes it is their duty to take what ever it wants for you.
Don't worry about the problems behind you which are many, but for now, you should worry about the problems coming in front of you.

California is totally out of control!

And this illustration is perfect for California's attack on civil society as that state's government believes they are duty bound to destroy everything that remains of common sense, driving out of this formally great state, everyone that has even the slightest sense of what is right and proper to survive.

I mean here is a great example of just how far out of control California has become. There is a map, on line, that you can use to avoid sections of one of it's formally great cities due to the piles of human excrement in the streets and sidewalks.

Now explain how this is normal behavior? This is insane!

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