Monday, December 14, 2015

The Two Faces of Barack Objma : Pay No Attention to Man Behind the Curtain

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Is this something new or is this the Mr Objma has brought to our country over the last 7 years? Remember Objma's buddy the communist Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, and his refusal to take steps to stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, and 'tell the (communist) Vlad I will have more flexibility after the next election, and what about communist Cuba and it's continued human rights abuses but Mr Objma reaches out to the Castro's anyway, to mention just a few.

On the domestic front he takes pride in dividing the country into groups to fight each other and his stand that the Christians are responsible for mass killings around the world as witnessed 13 centuries ago, but has no problems with open boarders for Muslim terrorists that openly proclaim they want to kill us.

Who really is Barack Objma and what are his intentions for all of us, as if we didn't already know? Remember he told us what he was going to do in 2007 but it didn't matter back then. The question that still is important, where does he come from and why does hate Christians and Jews? Why does he hate the British? Why can't we see his college records? What is he hiding? Worse, why do we allow him to get away with it when we would never allow anyone else that same privilege!

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