Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Clinton's War On the Truth : The Truth? What's That?

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This picture is worth a thousand words? Maybe not, but it does tell a story of just who these two people are, and historically what they have done to this country is criminal. And what we all know of their efforts to pad their personal banks accounts for themselves and the Clinton Criminal Family Foundation has no equal in history.

What is the truth and what and how it applies to the Clintons?

Having Hillary send out Baba to campaign for her is an open invitation to understand that such an action tells us yet another story abut who Bill is and his connection to Hillary as his wife and his sexual criminal actions against dozens of women. Hillary, over the years, rose to the occasion attacked Bill's victims. destroying their lives with vicious character assassinations. Hillary and Bill are a team.

History is funny thing. No matter how hard one tries to lie about it, it's still history. It doesn't go away. Well, maybe for those with corrupted DNA, reality is something altogether different.

But now the audacity of the mainstream media demanding their is no connection between what Bill has done to women over they years, and what Hillary did to protect him, and now how the media is demanding we can't make any connection between these two resulting collateral damage to Hillary, is beyond just bias, this is a breech of the first amendment and criminally an attack on the American people's intelligence.

But given that the people did elect Mr Objma twice knowing full well who he is and what he has done to damage this country, does beg the question of the ability of the American people to make rational decisions, even when those decision directly effect their personal security.

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