Thursday, December 24, 2015

Benghazi Murders : A Bump In The Road for Hillary?

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I believe this paints a picture of systemic insanity, and rules the thinking of the progressives. If this isn't true, why would these two talk about how they can spin the Benghazi murders while they were taking place so they won't harm the reelection of Mr Objma?

Stop and think about this for a minute, when you realize the gravity and diabolical consequences of this, and now one is asking us to reward her with the most powerful office in the world, how will she not do catastrophic damage to our country and world that is already engulfed in chaos because of the other individual in this picture, Mr Objma?

Are we willing to reward psychotic criminal behavior that will totally end our way of life? These are not nice people. If nothing else, history has taught us that.

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