Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Iranian Nuclear Deal Rock Solid : Until It Isn't

And I say again to all those that voted, twice, do you have any buyers remorse for what you have done to our country?

Do you take any responsibility on yourself for what you have done to make our country a nightmare of financial and moral chaos?

Or Maybe it doesn't matter because those that voted for Mr Objma and the progressive socialist liberal democrat collective twice, find them the 'new wave' of American leadership, and being made just subjects to the tyranny of the few in Washington is acceptable as long as the free stuff keeps coming their way.

Oh, and as long as my phone continues to work, tyranny isn't so bad.

In realty, when the progressive socialist democrat voters first realization that the Iranians have lied, and the free stuff stops abruptly, the good old fall back position to save themselves from mental collapse of their fantasy world will be, 'those war mongering Republicans and that dam Bush'!

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