Thursday, April 23, 2015

FDA Regulates the Control for Desturction of Drug Innovation

Innovation in new drug development has nothing to do with the cost of R&D, this is just gaining a larger voter base for the progressive democrat bureaucrat power structure. The FDA is much like the EPA in that they have the reigns of power and they set the time line and the regulation costs.

And as a result the need for reasonable cost for drug research and development is not necessary, and therefore must succumb to the loss of revenue that the drug companies could use for development, is sucked into the hands of the democrat political machine to feed the larger need of government officials to subject others to the will of the powerful.

The ever growing government is the problem here and the bureaucrats that control it.

To simple to understand as just the politics of control? All progressive politics is about the need to control others, and therefore events that will afford them more power and more control. Everything the progressives do is based on this premise of their need for power. Nothing is off limits. Nothing!

Inventing New Drugs Is Costly, but Not Inventing Them is Costlier April 22, 2015
Source: Merrill Matthews, "The High Cost of Inventing New Drugs — And of Not Inventing Them," Institute for Policy Innovation, April 2015.

April 22, 2015

There is a financial cost to developing new drugs—and it's a big one.  There is also a big cost to not developing new drugs, and that cost can be both financial and human.  People may be able to live with the pain that an undiscovered drug might have alleviated, but they may not be able to do all the things they would have.  A cancer patient might still have a few productive years after a diagnosis, but how much would it be worth to the patient—and to society (think Steve Jobs)—if a new drug meant that extended life could be indefinite?
Those costs may include:
  • The total cost to develop and gain marketing approval for a new drug is an estimated $2.6 billion.
  • It can take 10 to 12 years for that new drug to get through the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) approval process and hit the market.
  • Once the drug has made it to market, there is often post-approval research and tests to evaluate dosing strength and a host of other factors.  DiMasi et al estimate those efforts can add an extra $312 million to the cost of a drug, for a grand total of $2.87 billion (in 2013 dollars).
The good news is that drug companies are proceeding with their research to create new and innovative drugs; the bad news is that it costs a lot to do that—however you calculate the costs.  But the public won't get more innovative drugs by imposing price controls, which is one of the critics' primary solutions to the high cost of drugs.

If the cost of creating new drugs is high, the cost of not having any new drugs is immeasurable.

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