Saturday, August 30, 2014

Progressive Democrat Promises : Decades of Misinformation

This of course doesn't come as a surprise to anyone that is not room temperature. Mr Obama has a proven track record that he cannot escape of lying to the population when ever he deems it necessary to bolster his agenda of "fundamental change".

Progressive socialist liberals have no moral obligation to tell the truth and work to resolve problems in our country. It is about politics and always has been and will be so in the future.

It also is not lost on the general public now that the media will say and do what ever they can to protect Mr Obama from any opposition to his efforts to establish his ideology of socialism.

Lying about who and what he is and always has been is laid out for all to see if only the people of this country will just take a few minutes to listen to Mr Obama and his friends and then understand they are not in elected office to help our country but to diminish it where ever and when ever they can.

Understand, this is the legacy of the democrats and has been for decades if not generation.

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