Saturday, April 06, 2013

North Korea Wants to Destroy Us : Obama : It's A Done Deal Already

Why is this still something so many of us don't understand? Is it just the 'tyranny of low expectations' or the incomprehensible notion that an elected president of our country, and his party, actually wants to destroy our way of life, to "fundamentally" change how we live, forcing the majority of the population to sit on their collective hands, bewildered?

With 50 million on food stamps, 8.5 million on Social Security Disability, 88 million under employed and unemployed, 469,000 left the work force just last month, nearly 3 million jobs permanently gone and more then 9 million lost since 2009.

Is this something we should be concerned about or just take the attitude, 'who cares, don't bother me with things that I don't understand and I can't do anything about anyway'.

Is this where we are now? Rush Limbaugh says 'America is lost' - I hope he's wrong.

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