Saturday, April 20, 2013

More FREE Stuff : Poll Says 'Bring it On'

This is a sign that says we are in trouble, and not just for our kids, but for the generation that will set the stage for the generations to come, that be us.
Now the those that are taking outnumber the those that are making, the future looks dim for prosperity in the near time and bleak for the times to come. The question that remains is how will we regain control of our own destiny?
If we are unable to renew our faith in our country and it's founding by understanding what is at stake in the 2014 and 2016 elections, then we surly can blame the politicians for the mess, the problem lies with the people that vote. Either they vote for personal freedom to peruse prosperity, or they decide that dependence and poverty will be the new norm.
It's more then a little scary to believe there is a choice to be made, but given the last elections, maybe there is reason to be scared.
Published: 7:30 AM April 18, 2013
According to a new poll from Gallup, 6 in 10 Americans now believe that wealth is unfairly distributed in America, and 52% believe the federal government should be redistributed via heavy taxes on the wealthy.
According to Politico:
While the percent of Americans who said the current distribution of wealth is unfair is down from 68 percent in 2008, the number of Americans who favor federal redistribution is at an all-time high.
There are predictable partisan and ideological divides on the questions. Forty-seven percent of conservatives believe the distribution of wealth is fair, compared with only 17 percent of liberals. Only 26 percent of Republicans want the government to redistribute wealth, compared with three quarters of Democrats.
For moochers everywhere, you have reason to be encouraged. Americans are more and more willing to redistribute via the federal government.

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