Sunday, November 04, 2012

Glofer Falls On Approach : Obama Asks for Vote

Whether this humorous story is indicative of most Americans, and if it works on the 6th, depends on the over all intelligence of the American public and how they are engaged in reality. If they are still a sleep from the disastrous 2008 debacle that brought us the progressive socialist Barack Obama and his socialist agenda, then we can believe that any future plans that we might have had, and those of the next two generations, are over.

The new norm will be dependency and survival of even the most modest living standard since the 18th century. Believe there will be no way out of the socialist nighmare with more then half of the country getting welfare or in poverty, the true agenda of the socialists. Decline will be enviable.

Choose now to determine how our future will turn out. If you choose the wrong path now, don't blame others for the mistake that brought down the country of our founders for the last 236 years, look straight into the mirror for their in lies the blame.

A woman was playing golf when she took a big swing and fell. The party waiting behind her was a group from the White House that included President Barack Hussein Obama and Vice President Joseph Biden.

Obama quickly stepped forward and helped her to her feet.

She thanked him and started to leave, when he said, "I'm President Obama and I hope you'll vote for me this November."

She laughed and quickly replied, "I fell on my ass, not on my head!"

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