Sunday, November 11, 2012

Confused and Frustrated : Why Reelect Mr Obama?

Just a short note from the inner workings of a confused and frustrated person after this election.

I am confused and frustrated in that the proof of Mr Obama's failures are so plain to me, with results that are all out in the open for all to see and understand, and yet millions voted for Mr Obama apparently believing four more years will be better then the last four years, even though during the campaign, he never told us what he will do to solve the problems that we face, problems, for the most part, caused by him.

I am confused and frustrated with the fact that ObamaCare is looming and will result in trillions of new debt and reduced health care quality as well as virtually no available health care insurance other then that provided by the government. This fact insures that 'single payer' health care is just around the corner which includes gigantic bureaucracy of tens of thousands of new federal employees and the committee of 15 who decide who lives and who dies, the 'death panels'.

I am confused and frustrated that so many people can vote to elect people that make no bones about what they will do once they are in seats of power even when they proclaim they want bigger and bigger government to fix all of our problems. How did this concept work out in the last 4 years? Wisconsin saw the most liberal candidate run and win the election, she is so far left even Nancy Pelosi looks like a Conservative. She was voted the 6th worst seated House of Representative member. I can't even imagine what the other five members must be like.

Why would anyone vote this way knowing she will do what ever she can to crush freedom from our lives? 

I could go on but to what avail. Perhaps the most confusing and frustrating aspect of this election is the fact our country will suffer near catastrophic damages here and abroad, maybe even damage that can't be repaired. It's not like nearly all of the other election that I have witnessed where the winner will just move the country along ideological lines of one party or the other, This time it's completely different, as the progressive socialists believe we must completely change our way of life.  As Mr Obama said in his 2008 campaign, he wants to "fundamentally" change the country. He is moving the country from a representative federalist democracy to a progressive socialist democracy like found in Europe that are all failing.

Am I confused and frustrated over this out come more then any other time that I can remember. It's more then just watching the other party take power while the rest of us have t o wait another four years to take control again.

But worse then watching Mr Obama being reelected again and continuing his march to cut our country's foundations from under us, driving millions into dependency and poverity, I am confused and frustrated and depressed there are so many that believe it's a good thing.

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