Saturday, March 27, 2010

Obama's Change For Our Future : Government Control

This must be the "change" that Obama had in mind all the time he was going to school and then when he went to work in Chicago with Acorn and the other thugs that are currently in the White House, ruining our lives and country.

This is just a prediction of course, but it sure seems to be on the mark. You decide.

Predictions for the next 10 years
J. Daniel Neumann 3/22/10

1. As part of the health bill, the student loan program has been nationalized, this will lead to:

A. Higher tuition rates, likely escalating at a higher rate.
B. Huge deficits attributable to same for both the general economy and > this specific program.
C. A huge inefficient bureaucracy established to administer same which > will effectively wipe out any savings, while creating more registered > Democrats dependent on the government for their jobs.
D. No appreciable lowering of interest rates on student loans. Spiraling > deficits, from this program only, will just lead to higher rates in > general which the government will need to finance by selling bonds with > higher yields. Even the government will have to charge more for student > loans.
E. Illegal immigrants will receive government student loan money on a > large scale.

2. Unemployment will remain over 8% for the foreseeable future, due to the > reluctance of firms to hire in anticipation of rising health care costs, > taxes, government regulation, interest rates and inflation.

3. The new standard rate of unemployment will be 8-10%, not 5-7%. > Economic downturns will feature unemployment levels of 12-15%.

4. Abortions will be paid for with federal funds.

5. Illegal immigrants will receive free health care on a large scale.

6. Budget deficits will spiral to heretofore unimagined levels, with no > hope of a balanced budget. NOTE: One final impetus for passage of the > bill were deficit reductions forecast by the Congressional Budget Office > AS A RESULT OF health care bill savings. Who believes that?>

7. Recessions and economic slowdowns will occur with increasing frequency > and be more severe.

8. There will be periodic cases of widespread Hispanic rioting in the > cities. This will be the result of widespread unemployment (see above), > which will impact Latinos and other poor people much harder that the rest > of society. Should a general amnesty bill be enacted, the impact will be > worse because new immigrant-citizens will come to expect the great economy > to which they were drawn in the first place. They will become > increasingly embittered by chronic unemployment rates in their communities > of 15%+ with gusts to 25%. NOTE: This occurred among France's huge Muslim > immigrant community within the last few years.

9. These same immigrants, if and when legalized, will vote for further > Democrat-Socialist measures which will only exacerbate the problem in an > ever downward spiral.

10. The level of bureaucracy associated with the health care aspects will > be staggering. The government health care system will become one of the > largest employers in the world, if you add together all the various > agencies and boards created by the bill. Those hired by these agencies > will vote the Democrat-Socialist agenda, ensuring job security, as per > Item 1C.

11. This bureaucracy will be massively inefficient and overpaid.

12. The overall level of public satisfaction with their own health care > situations will decline steadily and substantially. As of last evening, > this figure stood at over 80%.>>

13. Health care will become a major campaign issue. Like education, also > controlled by Democrat-Socialist interests, there will be a continual call > for more funding which will only result in an inferior quality of services > delivered, just like in our public schools. The only measureable result > will be pay increases for public health care bureaucrats.

14. It will become the norm for wealthy people to have private health care > plans offering excellent care. This will be pointed to as a reason for > justifying still higher taxes and more expenditures on health care.

15. Private plans will emerge where American doctors and other excellent > doctors from other countries will set up shop in Costa Rica or other > locations with pleasant climates and/or welcoming governments. It will > become cheaper to fly patients out of the country for care rather than to > deal with the new US system.

16. Doctors will leave the profession and fewer doctors will enter medical > school.

17. Doctors of inferior quality will immigrate to the US. They will be > impeded by language and other cultural barriers and the overall quality of > care will suffer. Another agency will be started to teach foreign doctors > English.

18. Pharmaceutical companies will be heavily taxed and their margins will > be squeezed. This will lead to decreased R & D and fewer advances in new > medications. Foreign corporations will surpass US firms in this industry.

19. Ditto medical device manufacturers.

20. Lawyers will at first rise among the elites of society but will later > suffer from a lack of litigable targets with fat pockets. Only those doing > business with government will prosper.

21. Inflation and high interest rates will become the norm and a > constantly recurring problem in the economy.

22. Health care insurance premiums will rise. Per capita health care costs > after adjusting for inflation and increased fees and taxes will rise > astronomically.

Atlas will shrug.

23. In America, the quality of health care, in particular, and the overall > quality of life in general will decline.

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