Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Barack Obama IS Barack Obama : A Video

Just who really IS Barack Obama is the question now - where did he come from? Why weren't we told about this guy before the election? da! This information was there but the 'spin masters' were very good at duping the majority into believing Obama would be the "One" to save them from taking responsibility for their own lives. Of course, the majority swallowed it hook, lie and sinker!

It's sad that so many American citizens were willing to give up their personal freedom just on the word of an unknown politician? Worse, millions are still willing to do just that.

This video is just the tip of the ice berg that is in the path of the liberal socialist progressives titanic. The Obama administration has pushed the American people into a corner and now they are going on the offensive as a group. Millions of our fellow citizens are getting involved. They pushing back.

I've said before and I will say again here - the 2nd American revolution has begun.

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