Friday, March 05, 2010

Political History Lesson : A Prediction from 2008

Here is a prediction from August of 2008 about what was in store for all us if Obama was elected. Again, why was this so clear to many that Obama was going to be a disaster for our country, but so many more saw him as "The One" to save us all?

How could so many be so wrong? How can so many of our citizens that have everything going for them, and yet be so blind not to see who Obama was and what he intended for us.

The worst part of all this is Obama told us from the beginning what he intended and who he was.

What stood in the way of common sense for so many? What was it that so many thought they saw in Barack Obama? How could so many be so easily lead? What does world history say about such trends?

I guess most of us that pay attention know how that turned out!

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