Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Only Legal Citizens Have A Right to Vote

Voter registration is or should be one of the most important aspects of our free society - if you are a citizen of this great country you must have a say in how it is run, that is how Democracy works.

On the other hand, if you are not a citizen, don't pay taxes and have entered this country illegally, you have no right to take part in deciding how this country functions.

Does it make any sense to you that we should allow anyone to vote no matter what their status is according to our laws? Are laws on the books to use only when they are convenient and don't interfere with your political agenda? Of course not, so why allow illegal aliens to vote, or for that matter, be allowed to remain in this country at all without proper citizenship registration.

The Heritage Foundation come through again on this matter, and we will hear much more on this as we get closer to November.

keep the faith, the battle is about to heat up.

Rule of Law.

Hans von Spakovsky, who served as a member of the Federal Election Commission for two years, explains the threat to electoral integrity from non-citizen voters in a new Heritage analysis.

“Thousands of non-citizens are registered to vote in some states, and tens if not hundreds of thousands in total may be present on the voter rolls nationwide,” he writes. This is enough to swing several close local and even national elections.

“Americans may disagree on many areas of immi­gration policy, but not on the basic principle that only citizens—and not non-citizens, whether legally present or not—should be able to vote in elections.”

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