Sunday, April 06, 2008

Life is About Expectations and Reality

Life at it's bare minimum is about what's going to happen next, good or bad. We all look forward to what is going to effect our lives and how we will react.

These two pups are much the same - although their world is smaller than most of ours, I use 'most' as some of us have very small worlds, they still have that expectation of things to come. As Dogs though, they don't expect anything bad or good, they just react to their immediate environment and take what ever comes as a natural flow of events.

Dogs do not have a past or a future - they live for the 'now' only, taking what ever comes their way as a positive or a negative impact on their mental attitude. They do have a memory for pain which, by the way, is larger than their memory for pleasure.

I find that their reactions to their immediate environment is similar to humans in many ways. Unfortunately, I find this amazing, many humans do not have a curious mind as many dogs do, these humans find it's easier to just go from one day to the next ignoring perceived negative stimulus that might cause some change in how they live their lives. And when a situations does present itself as a potential road block to a secure existence, they pretend it doesn't exist or make excuses for it and continue on with the daily routine. It's as though it never happened.

Dogs are much the same, only more so in some cases, but they can be hurt and then ten seconds later react like nothing happened. No memory of the event until it happens again, but they will react the same way as before, only now they will begin to avoid that situation even if it takes many occupancies for them to realize where the pain is coming from. Hopefully it won't be fatal like being hit by a car while wondering in the road.

Does this sound like what happened on September 11, 2001 for many people today? And just who are these people? Will they decide 911 never happened until it happens again only worse and even then make up some fantasy about the event so they can continue their lives unchanged like they do now?

Hey, every day gives us a new chance to do the right thing. Keep the faith, the battle is joined
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