Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Environmentalism Will Destroy Us

Environmentalism, like any religion, has believers that will not be dissuaded from their faith. Most religions believe in a God that is compassionate and loving - one that stands for truth, honesty and integrity. A God that protects and heals the mind and soul.

The environmentalist god is not one of compassion but one of destruction and plunder. The environmentalist god is a small god created by men and based on greed and power.

The environmentalist religion is designed to take power from the individual to determine their own destiny. Nothing more. The environmentalist demands all individuals give up their individual rights for the good of the planet, but in reality it is to gain control of the population, not the planet.

If these small groups of Marxist go unchecked, the destruction of our way of life will be certain. I have posted several times on this subject but it never hearts to be remained every now ant then what can and will happen if we do nothing to stops them.

A great time to get a handle on this will be in November - The New Socialist Progressive Party, liberal Democrats, has the agenda that will bring us to our knees with taxes and social programs that will crush our economy.

The following article will explain in finer detail how the environmentalist will dictate how we live our lives in the future and they are starting to right now. What do you pay for a gallon of gas?

Keep the faith, the battle is joined!

By MAX SCHULZ April 20, 2008 --

Tuesday is Earth Day, the calendar's High Holy Day of Green theology. With each passing year, environmentalism more clearly assumes the trappings of a secular religion. Now, along comes Iain Murray to assert that the Green God is dead.

Murray's new book, "The Really Inconvenient Truths: Seven Environmental Catastrophes Liberals Don't Want You to Know About - Because They Helped Cause Them," clarifies the difference between caring for the environment - a reasonable and virtuous belief that people rightly harbor - and the modern-day movement known as environmentalism.

The latter, Murray notes, has amassed a shameful legacy over a half century that has killed millions of people and consigned billions of others to backbreaking poverty.

"Environmentalism deserves to be as discredited as Marxism," Murray argues.

His book does a superb job of doing just that. Murray, an energy expert at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, lives a low-carbon lifestyle. He loves nature and the outdoors. He's practically a tree-hugger. Nevertheless, he makes clear, "I am not an environmentalist."Why? Because, as he explains, environmentalism has become a socio-political movement exploiting people's genuine regard for nature as a smokescreen for expanding government and exercising power. And the results have been disastrous for both humanity and the environment.

Murray chronicles seven environmental catastrophes, and shows the hand of the professional environmental movement in each one.Thanks to the efforts of Green patron saint Rachel Carson, environmentalists have succeeded in curbing the use of DDT, which, Murray writes, is "highly effective in controlling malaria and thereby lifting millions out of poverty." While it's unclear if banning the pesticide has had much in the way of environmental benefits, it has been unquestionably harmful to humankind.

Unchecked malaria has killed tens of millions of people, particularly in Africa, and continues to cost people their lives each year. "In 2005 alone, across Uganda, 50,000 children died from malaria," Murray notes. "That is the true Silent Spring.

"The current biofuel craze is another case in point. Greens have long favored government mandates to convert corn into motor fuel. They claim this will cut into our supposed addiction to oil, while minimizing harmful greenhouse gas emissions from our tailpipes. The Greens got their wish, and in recent years Congress has ordered billions of gallons of ethanol to be introduced into our fuel supply. European nations have passed similar biofuel mandates to fight global warming.The result, by almost any account, has been a fiasco.

Pouring corn into our gas tanks has led to a spike in food prices worldwide. Those high prices have caused food shortages and even riots in other countries (several in just the last month). While people starve, biofuels are creating an environmental disaster as well. In places like Indonesia, forestland is being cleared at alarming rates in order to plant palm oil crops and cash in on the artificial demand for biofuels. The result is a holocaust for many endangered animals. "The orangutan is being crucified on a cross of green," Murray notes.

Murray also has the number of environmentalists who demand higher automobile fuel efficiency mandates. These government standards have meant smaller, lighter, less crashworthy vehicles. "The tradeoff the liberal environmentalists demand is actually safety for gas mileage. In other words, blood for oil."At bottom, Murray notes, the environmental movement is rooted not in a concern for the environment, but in a disdain for personal freedom and free-enterprise capitalism.

Humanity is the disease plaguing the planet. The antidote must be environmental policies enforced by government diktat, relying on mandates, bans, orders, restrictions and punishments to achieve its goals.

The better answer is conservation by private stewards, individuals and corporations, who understand caring for the environment is important, while making choices that are actually logical - and sustainable.

Put in such stark terms the choice isn't that difficult, Murray notes. "Marxism brought us the Gulags. The worst that most commentators can say about free enterprise these days is that it brought us McDonalds."

Max Schulz is a Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute.

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