Thursday, November 02, 2006

Kerry Down for the Count? Nah -

Now Kerry has fallen to another low that is further down the scale then yesterday - he has decided that the heat was too much and apologized for his stupid remark, but problem is he did it on the internet, not facing the cameras -

I guess what this shows is total contempt for the voting public in general and the military in particular. As I have indicted in other posts, John is just showing us what he really thinks and what the agenda is for the rest of the Democrats as well as the media.

Today, all the major networks and newspapers have been in full flow trying to rationalize and sanitize what he really meant to say, and refute the Republican rants concerning Kerry's hatred for anything military. In many cases this incident was never mentioned at all in the dailies or television news.

This is not new - this is how the left has operated for the last thirty years. The major networks and newspapers have always been the mouthpiece for the Democrats. If there ever was any question of whether or not the media was biased has been dispelled once and for all with this Kerry blunder.

In any event, maybe John Kerry is done politically, not that he ever really was a factor.

But then again, when you stop and think about it for a few minutes, everyone expects the Democrats to say really bad things about America; remember his 1972 remarks before congress where he told bold faced lies about our troops in Vietnam. And with the short memory of the voting public, and with most Democrats not having a heart or soul to start with, maybe he will be back for the final run in 2008 - what a cruel joke that would be.

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