Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Democrat Win Still a Mystery

I keep seeing reasons why the Republicans lost and I keep thinking they are wrong. I just read an article that listed the items ranging from immigration to Iraq and, of course, the economy.

Another reason mentioned was honesty in government and that the public expects the Republicans to be a leader in this field. But the only bump that appeared for the Republicans was the Abramoff thing, but that was nothing to the Clinton years and he won at a walk. The moderates and non-aligned overlooked Clinton's indiscretion along with all of the Democrats.

Again, why the republicans lost and lost big is still a mystery to me. I have gone over this in past posts but I am still looking for that one fact that will convince me that it wasn't the constant drum-beat of the press and liberal Democrats with a message of misinformation and outright lies on the war and the economy.

The economy is doing great and the war is gong in the right direction, but just not fast enough. A generation that demands instant gratification for everything. Here the general intelligence of the voting public about the war and the economy is the problem, as well as some sound knowledge of American history.

As the story goes, tell a lie often enough and soon it becomes a fact. Democrats are masters at this.

Sour grapes? Maybe.

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