Thursday, February 02, 2006

Happy In America

For all of the carping that's been going on in the media about how bad off everybody is, a new poll out today found 85% of participants said that they were happy to be in America.

Of course, this could take in a lot of people with different motivations for being glade they are in America.

How about the Neo-Communist left war protester that just loves this country because they can call for the destruction of the government and condemn the entire population as sheep in the grip of a fascists butcher and mass murderer, George Bush, the President of the United States, and get away with it. In almost any other country, they would be shot for treason. I would like to see them go to Venezuela and call Hugo Chavez a mass murderer and communist thug. What do you think would happen? What a country!

How about the editors and reporters that make up the main stream media. What a great country we live in with it freedom of the press guaranteed by a rock solid rule of law. This rule of law allows the media to tell any story that they want to, no matter how untrue and destructive to the country. This law protects them, for the most part, from prosecution for aiding and abetting the enemy when this country is at war. They know exactly what they are doing and expect to get away with it. What a country!

How about our leaders in congress. They stand up in front of the world on the floor of the Senate, and proclaim all sorts of indignation about how the president of the United States has the audacity to want to destroy an enemy that has just murdered 3000 of our citizens just because they hate us and our freedom.

Where else, but this country, could a member of congress lie bold face about who he is and what he has accomplished, conduct secret negotiations of surrender with the enemy while we are at war, lie about war atrocities that never happened, lie about his accomplishments while serving in the military, and then run for President of the United States and almost win. What a country!

We have it made in this country. We have freedom of religion, speech, assembly and many others that we take for granted everyday of the week. We have everything that we need to sustain us in a life style that is matched in no other part of the world. What a country!!

This is from a Janis Joplin song, Bobbie McGee "- - freedom means having nothing else to lose"

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