Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Barrett Report

Has anyone heard about the David Barrett Commission Report? Supposedly this report was stated back in 1995 and was to investigate Clinton's Housing Secretary, Henry Cisneros. Along the way it turned up all kinds of dirt on the Clinton Presidency.

Cisneros is a criminal that paid hush money to his mistress, committed tax fraud and lied to the FBI. What' the big deal. That's pretty standard stuff for the Clinton White House. I don't see any reason to get up set about this but bunch of liberal senators and congressmen are trying to block the report just because some friend of Clinton's ripped off the public. Clinton did that himself all the time.

I guess if one looks closer at the report, it also details some other issues that implicate other schisters in the Democratic Party and, of course, the White House. Go figure!

Apparently the Clintons, Bubba and Hillary, were using the IRS to attack their political enemies. Bill and Hillary? Tell me it isn't so! They were using it like a big stick. If someone didn't play along on some crooked deal that the Clintons cooked up, they would threaten to have them investigated.

I guess it isn't any secret that the Clintons had over a thousand FBI and IRS files in the basement of the White House. The charge was made many times but it didn't matter to the press, most of the files were on Republicans, that is "enemies of the state'.

Well, the Barrett report details this program and all of the participants on both sides of the IRS files. The IRS was directed at that time by a friend of Hillary's, Margaret Milner Richardson. It also seems that the Justice Department was involved as well with Janet Reno at the helm. And we all know what a sweet heart she was. Just ask the Branch Davidians (sp) or the Cuban kid down in Florida for starters.

The kicker here is when the IRS would attack someone and they would fight back, Reno would bury it at the Justice Department. Slick Willy was really on top of his program, or was it Hillary? hmmmm The depth of these criminals would be impossible to determine.

It doesn't take much to connect the dots here as to why John Kerry, Dick Durban, Byron Dorgan and Henry Waxman, Democrats all, got involved to try and stop this report from being made public. - - these guys are thicker then thieves.

It appears the IRS and the Justice Department joined forces, on the orders of the Clintons, to attack these women that had brought charges against 'slick willy' for attempted rape and sexual assault.

These cases involving Billy and his girl friends weren't the only things that Barrett found while plumbing the Housing Department. There is a lot more ugly details that could cause problems for the 'queen of the belt-way'.

This was brought to light by the Center for Individual Freedom organization. It definitely requires further attention as to why the good members of the Senate are blocking this tax- payer funded report, and how it will effect certain members of that august body.

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