Friday, January 06, 2006

Coping With Conflict

Did you ever hear the saying, "Peace is not the absence of conflict but the ability to cope with it"? George Bush is doing just that. He has faced up to his responsibilities of being the President of the United States which means it is his job to defend this country from all enemies, foreign and domestic. We are at war!

This means foreign enemies like the Islamofasists, and domestic terrorists like Harry Reid, John Murtha and Nancy Pelosi.

How can any of us forget that just a few years ago, we were attacked and three thousand men, women and children were murdered by Islamic terrorists. This was the worst attack that this country has ever endured in it history. This attack was worse than the attack on Pearl Harbor back in 1941. Yet, we have leading government officials defending the very people that did this by proclaiming the attack was our own fault. We are the worlds worst enemy. Conflict avoidance.

The methods that they are employing is disinforamtion or outright lies, release of classified information that aids the enemy and actively seek to disrupt the war effort by submitting legislation that will help bring defeat to our troops in the field. This would mean defeat for our country and for freedom and democracy.

We should also remember that it was the absence, or should I say avoidance, of conflict that brought us to where we are now. Bill Clinton had no intention of doing anything when we were attacked the first time at the World Trade Center. Then the embassies attack that killed several hundred in Africa, and the attack on the USS Cole. Clinton never lifted a finger to go after them. He knew who they were but he was more concerned with his image as a liberal, which translates as not being too concerned about the problem as it was only foreigners and military personal that were killed. Clinton hated the military.

Jimmy Carter was even worse than Clinton, if that's possible. There was the fall of the Shah of Iran in 1979, which had supported us in the passed, but Carter never lifted a finger to help him. Then there was the Iranian hostage fiasco with the failed rescue attempted which killed our troops and completely humiliated us in front of the world. As I have stated in the passed, Jimmy Carter love tyrants and ruthless socialists regimes like the Iranian Islamofascists and the soviets. His latest hero is the communist Hugo Chavez.

Islam views those that do not have the will to fight as sheep to be enslaved or slaughtered.

Since the beginning of time, it has been conflict that settled most major world problems. Just look around the world today and ask your self what country doesn't have to deal with conflict in some form to settle problems within their borders and with their neighbors. It has always been that way. The key is to be able to control the outcome of that conflict in a lawful manner. But if you ignore the problem and insist that it can always be solved by negotiations and surrender, disaster will soon follow. Carter and Clinton proved that.

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