Monday, July 29, 2024

''We Had This Done!!'', Barrrack Asks, ''Where Did We Screw Up?'' dah!

Barrrack knew things were going bad when Joe, as vice president was totally out to lunch most of the time. Joe never really was a fully competent successor to the most powerful man in the world.

Barrrack; ''Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up!'' Joe was just along for the ride just like when he was in the Senate, he never really was committed to the task at hand. He always had another agenda running behind the scenes that was always dedicated to his personal fulfilment as a father and family member.  He always believed it was his duty and responsibility to take care of the family.

Little wonder than when the puppet started becoming a little too independent in his mannerisms and outside Finanancial entanglements, the puppeteer cut the strings.

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