Thursday, July 18, 2024

Joe Biiyden Demands No Voter Id!! : How Come?

 With 12 million new illegal immigrants in the country and 22 million already here for decades, what stops them from voting in our elections except proving they are citizens in good standing with a valid id.

If you still are questing why he and all other democraaats in Washington opened the borders to all comers from around the world, wonder no longer! 

It's called the ''replacement theory''. The democraaats know their insidious effort to cement a total control of the power for control in this county is beginning to fail. So by making all elections fool proof with millions of people who have no interest in what goes around them, they have them now as proxies to vote them into power forever!!!

The question that remains is why are they willing to destroy
our freedom to choose just so they can take what ever 
they want from others?

Are they truly that morally and ethically corrupt!?

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