Friday, July 26, 2024

The Strategy for Absolute Power! : Biiyden And Barrrack's Third Term Strategy!

 Barrrack  and his minions in the deep state government agencies believed they could control Joe Biiyden  to make him dance to their toon as he did the whole time he was vice president. Barrack knew who he was and wasn't after being with Joe for 4 years. A puppet to make him dance to their toons!

They thought, believed they could send him out to do their dirty work of gutting the country of its lifeblood, the freedom of the people to choose their own destiny, and replace it with the ideology of one size fits all needs, by installing and demanding compliance for authoritarian single power rule.

But then Joe discovered the ice cream  cone and the rest is history!

The best laid plans of mice and men!

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