Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Joe Then Kamaala Surrender to XI!

 Good morning! I'll be gone for three days. Back on Friday? (Hopefully!)

As the saying goes, ''You can run but you can't hide'' from people who hate our country. The question of course is, why? What's wrong with America for these people who have everything and satill be so hateful of the hand that feeds them?

Joe And Kamala were born to be losers in life!
They are ready to surrender to the strong man XI!!

Monday, July 29, 2024

Can Dogs Fly? : Goldens Can And Do!

 All it takes is some room to get comfortable!

Joe IS Gone! : How Come Just Now? Who Decided?

What happened with the agenda that Joe from the very beginning was never as bad as he is now! It all took place in the las two months. Something snaped in his brain just happened out of the blue that started him heading down hill showing his complete lack of mental cognition.

Remember Barrack said, 'never underestimate the ability of Joe to fuck things up'. And it was not just a vice president, if memory serves, we all remember his ability in the Senate and even in law school where he graduated sixth from the bottom of the class.

Why did he require two brain surgeries!? Did he get worse or better?

Joe was never a real person! He was always a democraaat!!

Total Power Corrupts! : There's No Turning Back!

 Once he Marxist liberated democraaats began their push for total control decades ago, they believed they could and would one day be able to wield the power needed to ''fundamentally change'' they country enough to make their dedication to the struggle of absolute power to become a reality, once and for all.

But as the saying goes, ''The best laid schemes of mice and men oft go astray''! Everything stated to fall apart for the democraaats, their puppet that once danced merrily began to sag tangling the strings. 

And when the situation was finally looking like they could pull this off, the entire agenda that rested on the center post for success began to crumble, panic from those pulling on the stings to make Joe perform saw him begin to make moves that were not to their liking.

This of cause forced the democraaat to change the agenda and strategy by coming out of their hiding places to do the heavy lifting themselves and found they were lacking ideas that would work forh them to gain the power the needed for total control.

Consequently, they had to turn to hastily to make things happen but resulted in what made no sense and were far to aggressive, as they knew time was running out on the clock, was not to most anyone's liking.

The almighty socialist collective stepped in and they know it! It back to the tried and true. They have cheat again!!


''We Had This Done!!'', Barrrack Asks, ''Where Did We Screw Up?'' dah!

Barrrack knew things were going bad when Joe, as vice president was totally out to lunch most of the time. Joe never really was a fully competent successor to the most powerful man in the world.

Barrrack; ''Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up!'' Joe was just along for the ride just like when he was in the Senate, he never really was committed to the task at hand. He always had another agenda running behind the scenes that was always dedicated to his personal fulfilment as a father and family member.  He always believed it was his duty and responsibility to take care of the family.

Little wonder than when the puppet started becoming a little too independent in his mannerisms and outside Finanancial entanglements, the puppeteer cut the strings.

Joe Is Still Ready to Lead? : ''Why Did They Dump Me??''

 ''Hey, what a disgusting saturation. I have a right to know, for God's sake, I'm the sitting president of the United States and I have been cast aside like dirty laundry. I know I'm better than that!! How did this happen all of sudden?

''After 50 years of good government service, my record should be enough to convince the voters they can trust me. Come on man, I've had a great relationship with them over all those years in the Senate and as vice president, and now I'm down here in a dark basement being hidden from the people that I believe love me. It's not right!

And those foreign guys, Xi and Vlad, we're friends, I know them and how they operate. And yet, here I am sitting on the edge of my bed in a basement. How did it come to this?

''There's more to me ya know than just warm milk and ice creams cones. I'm a real person with people experience and a lot of knowledge of how things work. I deserve better.

''And worse, who's idea was it anyway to dump me for Kamala. You know she's a total screw up. Everything she touched turned to shit! - - - jeeeze, - - - - well anyway,  now what was I saying - - where am I anyway. Where's Jill??''

''Put me in coach, I'm ready!''

Sunday, July 28, 2024

The New 2025 Corvette - The ZR1 - (The LT7 Engine -1061 HP)

 My goodness, this is a beauty and loaded with plenty of horsepower even for those souls who feed on more of everything!

Joining the ranks of world class cars!

I wonder how those people know how all this fits together
to make us all want more and more of such a good thing!!

''The LT7, the heart of the ZR1. Powered by exhaust gases, turbos are essentially air pumps that jam more air into engine cylinders. Repeat: more air equals more power. One measurement of the amount of air is pressure. Atmospheric air pressure—what we all experience just being on earth—is about 15 pounds per square inch (psi). The LT7 more than doubles that, adding an additional 20 psi. That boost necessitated additional hardware. Redesigned cylinder heads maximize the pressurized airflow, there are stronger connecting rods and pistons, and a pair of intercoolers (essentially, small radiators) chill the air.

''Turbos spin over 100,000 revolutions per minute (rpm) and, like engines themselves, have a redline. The LT7’s sophisticated electronic sensors measure turbo speed and an electronically actuated wastegate bleeds off exhaust flow to run the turbos close to but not over the 135,000-rpm redline. The 1064-hp peak hits at 7000 rpm, 1000 revs short of redline, and at just 3000 rpm, the engine produces 800 pound-feet of torque, which it maintains through 6000 rpm. Juechter promises the LT7 is “docile around town and when you get on it, it’ll change your life.”

The democraaats Rewriting History : A Marxist Silk Purse!?

 This is quite incredible.  What Marxist liberated democraaats are doing for all to see and hear in all media venues, they are truly unabashedly trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear!

It will be interesting to see how this plays out with the general public.

Need More Proof? : A Champion Votes For Trump!

The actual visual on television was an incredible and moving demonstration of support during the convention night ceremonies, Real people took the stand advocating for Donald Trump ass the only way America will be able to become great again after 4 years of abject failure with Marxist liberated democraaats in control!

The most basic and important part of all the messages was that the people understand Donald Trump is one of them. He is one of us!

It's clear1 It is about what we know to be
the truth and how it can work again making
bell for freedom ring!!

The Sports World Recognizes Trump's Nomination! : The Battle Begins!

 Andry the Giant and Hulk Hogan are in attendance at the rewards ceremony for Donald Trump's nomination as the Republican candidate for President of The United States! 

If anyone knows a winner, its these two champion wrestlers. If you want to argue the point though, be ready to wind up in the dirt on your back but there won't be any referee to count you finished, only darkness that comes to tell the tail!!


Saturday, July 27, 2024

The FBI Has No Idea What Happened In The grassy Field! : Director Wray!!

Christopher Wray, under oath, was not an inspiring figure of truth as Director of the FBI. As usual he demonstrated his willingness to walk and talk the party line advocating, still under oath, that Doanld Trump was possibly not struck by a bullet bur a piece of plastic off one to the teleprompters.

And as well we all saw him struck, firsthand on television as to what actually happened, he was still willing to lie to the nation? 

The perfect democraaat!!

An amazing testimony in Congress, under oath 
from Chrispher Wray, Director of The Federal Bureau of
Investigation, The FBI!!!

KJP On ''Where Is Joe''? : She's Not Sure Where She Is!


As Press Secretary for the White House and the nation she seems to lack some basic skills of communication. She even has a hard to lying about what is going on all arond her.

Was she properly vitted for the job? Goodness yes! She has all of the attributes demanded by Marist liberated democrats for have a cabinet job. She is an immigrant, she is black, a female and gay!

Someone applying for job in the democraaat controlled government. With those qualifications she was a sure thing for being hired and was!

No one really knows who she is, and of course, no one at the 
White House cares!

How Bad Can It Get? : democraaats Have The Answer!

 We are living on the edge destruction with Barrrack's ''fundamental change'' he proposed in 2008 where he said we need to make some changes to our Constitution. It says what the government can't do to you, but instead it should read what it can do for you.

That's simple enough for even the dullest of citizens among us, right? Being assigned a number by the government would be a problem for living a free life waiting for our number to called, but in realty that's kind of what we have now with the government has in mind for all of us and what we are witnessing is proof enough of their intentions for our future.

Vote without purposeful intelligent discussion is to doom our existence!

Voting democraaat is to willingly and knowingly believe
your own existence has no worth. Living a dumpster 
life is a good thing!

Friday, July 26, 2024

Providence Protected Donald Trump : Will It Act Again? (Video)

 It seems there is a guiding hand in protecting our country from evil doers. Is this short video proof of that! It seems like a logical assumption!

The Smartest President Ever To Step Down! ; Gosh, I'm Getting Weepy!

The narrative is old Joe will be remembered as the smartest and most efficient president in our storied history, even more loved and respected as just a good fellow then George Washington. 

(Maybe even more beloved than his vice president Kamala Harris!) now ready to take the levers of power to new heights!

A meeting of great minds planning their strategy for the future
of the country.

The Strategy for Absolute Power! : Biiyden And Barrrack's Third Term Strategy!

 Barrrack  and his minions in the deep state government agencies believed they could control Joe Biiyden  to make him dance to their toon as he did the whole time he was vice president. Barrack knew who he was and wasn't after being with Joe for 4 years. A puppet to make him dance to their toons!

They thought, believed they could send him out to do their dirty work of gutting the country of its lifeblood, the freedom of the people to choose their own destiny, and replace it with the ideology of one size fits all needs, by installing and demanding compliance for authoritarian single power rule.

But then Joe discovered the ice cream  cone and the rest is history!

The best laid plans of mice and men!

''Trust The Science'' Say The Fau Chi! : ''I Am The Science!''

''Trust me'' says The Fau Chi, ''I am the science!'' It's strange that the population didn't shut up and completely succumb to the demands of the smartest people in the room whose only goal was to enslave the people to their ideology of big government knows what's best and therefore all must obey their agenda for control of all options.

Time brought clarity but the damage will be felt for generations.

It worked causing more damage to the nation than two world wars and is still in force today for many people who just want to comply with ''the science'' and do what's right!? Many are still wearing masks like our president Joe Biiyden and millions of children will never cover from missing two years of life in a civil society.

And hundreds of millions of citizens are now confused as to who they are and why America is actually the only place left on earth worth saving from enslavement by totalitarian domination that the Marxist democraaats are demanding.

The accumulated damage from two world wars was not this devastating to the general population as the Covid virus hoax brought to us by our own government agencies.

The Fau Chi, ''Comply or die''!

The Game of Having The Ultimate Power For Control : It's Win Now for democraaats Or Never!!

There is little or no doubt that our government has been transformed from the inside by strategically placed leadership over time, to reflect the agenda and ideology of the Marxist socialists. 

Virtually all areas of the government, known as ''The Deep State'' or ''The Shadow Government'' have been organized and instructed on the strategy for control of all outcomes. Participation is not complete but growing. 

Truly, it was and is a coup by forces within the rank and file of government employees that understand having this ultimate control is beneficial to their wellbeing, promising a prosperous future with little or no downside for their unconstitutional behavior.

Little wonder then why the push to eliminate Dondald Trump from the White House and even the two other branches of government, the House and Senate might as well fall to Constitutional Conservatives. 

That would be a disaster for the Marxist liberated democraaat plans for domination and control of the greater population of the United States.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Election Year Economics! : ''We're Doing Okay, Trust Me!''

When a politician, especially when a democraaat says,'' We're doing okay'', or ''we've made changes'', or ''it was worse than we thought but now we're back on track'' and then the best of all, ''trust me, I know what I'm doing!''

And if you aren't a complete idiot, you understand you have been living the nightmare of his failures to deliver success and therefore prosperity. So none of the political mombo-jumble democraaat rhetoric you get just before an election, you know it's a lie.

The ''586'' Computer's Blue Screen of Death : And Now It's Back!!

 The Blue Screen of Death! Yeah, the younger members here will not have any idea of what this is. It was something to fear when operating a ''586'' computer. When this screen shows up it means something horrible has happened to the operating system and everything you have accomplished since you started using this machine is now gone!

Nothing worse berceuse no one could save you from jumping in front of a speeding bus!

So, much like the 'the blue screen' today, the Marxist liberated democraaats have successfully ''projected'' their criminal activities that they are actually doing to take the people's power for self-determination and exclaiming that it's the Republicans and Conservatives that are guilty.

One doesn't have to listen carefully to their tirades to understand motives of just how debase and intellectually and morally corrupt they truly are. 

They are all in for the final solution and that's total power for absolute control.

While we stand by and watch, our freedom and liberty are 
being systematically being reduced and then taken away.

What Has Just Happened?? : The Coup Is Nearly Complete?? For Real!!??

''When confronted with insurgencies, people wait too long to recognize the danger and then are too often paralyzed by it!'' 

We the The People are in grave danger of being enslaved but are not aware of what has transpired until they find the lights in that ''shining city on the hill'' have been turned off. (What happened to Donald Trump was no accident! Only a failure in the process!)

Of course, by then it's too late to turn back!

What we are witnessing today with the  changing of the seats power, removing Joe Biiyden from the democraaat ticket for reelection and installing a Marxist communist, Kamala Haris, is the final chapter in the first step in Barrrack promised ''Fundamental Change'', now the ''bloodless coup'' that has been taking place for decades with the democraaats, but only just now with Barrrack using Joe Biiyden as a front ''strawman'' has it been possible to bring it completion.

Our president is no longer a Constitutional leader of the people. Joe Biiyden, a dually elected representative of the people is now just a shadow used to stand before the multitude proclaiming democracy has been saved.

In reality, democracy is no longer an item of discussion.

And now you know the rest of the story!!

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Has The USSS Joined The CIA, DOJ and FBI? : "We Hate Trump!''

 I fear what this points out, the near death of Dondald Trump, a man of the people from an assassin with a rifle, in plain sight, while the United States Secret Service watched. The hatred for Donald Trump and the people of this country is far worse, deeper and far reaching in the government than we could have possible imagined.

It appears that the entire federal government has operatives in every department and agency ready and willing to commit any crime necessary to make sure their status never changes. 

They are in power, and they will make sure it's forever by any means necessary! They are too close to their goal of total power to allow it to slip away without doing everything they can to stop any ''tin horn'' politician that comes along!

The USSS made no effort to hide their willingness to allow
the assassin to take the shot!

Old Joe Is Still Wearing A Mask! : Even Yesterday, In The Car!!

A confirmed sighting of Joe yesterday. Covid? Probably not! Probably something worse! The Chinese are stopping payments!

The Marxist liberated democrats have nothing to give the people to convince us we are now all we can ever be, so why not vote to remain enslaved to poverty, crime and pestilence.

As the motto from the Marxist democraaat leadership goes, ''once you get used to living in a dumpster, it's not so bad! Life is reduced to ''One day at a time!'' See how living with simplicity is best!

Always Vote democraaat to find out just how bad things can get before you find your life is untenable! But by then it will be too late to make a change. The Marxist ideology is designed to do that. 

A life with no options ever!!! How cool is that!

The Marxists believe if it worked so well the first-time causing the
entire world to obey, why not try it again!?

Biiyden Gets The Bums-Rush! The Power for Total Control!!

Remember the slogan, ''Change We Can Believe In'' trotted out by Barrrack back in 2008 along with his promise for ''Fundamental Change'' of America? 

Remember also he said it can't be accomplished all at once, it will take some time to make it happen. 

Well now he is well on his way with being in the White house for 8 years as president and now for his third term being the force behind old Joe make him dance to his toon for America being a member the globalization for all Western countries and of course he is in charge.

Remember as well Barrrack's religious jihad for the Middle East having the Persians, Iranians, taking total control, leading the way for domination of all oil producing nations. 

Why else would Barrrack want the Iranians to become a nuclear power?

Barrrack's ''Fundamental Change'' in America in its final stage?

No, We Don't Want You to Quit! : Just Disappear Till We Need You!!

 If you ever wondered why the general public has lost all trust in our government, the way has been cleared for proof! It is front and center on television for all to see every day. They are not hiding anything anymore! Their very existence is threatened.

That the Marxist liberated democraaats have completely turned our government into a nightmare of criminals, demonstrating their total contempt for the people is of no concern. They don't care what we think or understand, they are in control demanding it stay that way, and they will do anything and everything to make sure that happens.

To believe anything else would be risking your safety and wellbeing and your future.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Gary Larson's ''The Far Side'' Brings Truth to Untenable Situations!!


Dam!! That is so good! Relieve the pressure of insane politics!  Time the laugh out loud at how events might take place and hope you aren't involved!!!!! I love it!!

What Is At Work in Our Society? : Who's In Charge?? Anybody?

 Did you ever wonder why we all are subjected to the demands of .003% of the population to accept a lifestyle that's not like your own? 

Did you ever question how did this come to pass? How was it so integrated into our culture and so quickly accepted as fact forcing millions to wonder if we are actually living a lie?

The bottom line is, 'do your thing but leave the rest of
us alone'!

And Then What Happened? : DEI at Work Everywhere!!

The director of The Secret Serice is a disciple of DEI and as we all know it was nearly produced nation crisis like none of us have very believed could happen in America!

WE are living on the edge of disaster with our national leadership either brain broken or so brain distorted with crazy thoughts that nearly resulted in catastrophic failure for the nation.

The people do not trust the government to do the right thing to porrect them from harm. The people see our government as an enemy that is set to take our rights and freedoms away and replace them with a centralized authority with absolute power.

This cannot and will not end well! Either we recognize the danger and vote to change direction or suffer the consequences for generations to come!

Our current president is not in charge of anything, he is just
a cardboard cutout used by his unelected minions lurking in the darkness
 doing their will that's not in our best interest.

Choose without regret! We have the power to change direction. Failing
in this task not an option. 

We All Dodged A Bullet!! : It Could Have Been A National Crisis!

 Clearly the Good Lord has a purpose for Donald Trump at this time as He sees we need help to  correct the nightmare brought to us by an evil power like we have never seen before.

And being only humans which need a power far greater than anything we can must to give us all a chance to survive the calamity we are currently in. But the Lord won't do all the heavy lifting, it is up to us take the lead by becoming involved and actively working to do our part by voting early and help others to do the same.

Be proactive! Speak out and loud. Believe this could be our last election. HR (1) proposed by Pelosi is still ready to be activated!

Never believe the Marxist democraaats will just lay down and let the Republican run them down, they will come after the Conservatives and Republicans with every device they have to win the election and by any means necessary! And that means any means!

Monday, July 22, 2024

Home Maintenance Not Her Problem! : But Maybe One Time It Might! (Video)

 Her husband keeps telling her to take care of some maintenance problems, but her response is she doesn't have any Idea of how to do that work. 

But then the house repair situation changed when her expertise in that area where she is well equipped to  have it repaired.

The husband was speechless!

Dancing Supreme - Excellent AND Fun Video!

I love this! Just a  ton of  skill and animation to make this dance a breath-taking event!


They Tell Their Stories They Hoped to Come True! : And Then It Did!!!

 Nothing to see here, we just want everyone to hate Donald Trump like we do and if it makes us winners in the election, all the better. But that we wanted him dead is not true. We cannot control what someone with a few loose screws who tried to kill Donald Trump and that the government agency that is dedicated to protecting him from harm saw the agency failed in their duty couldn't pot didn't stop shooter, was not our fault.

Hate always breeds more hate until all that's left for the
haters is the final solution.

Joe Says, '' Being A Puppet Wasn't All That Bad!'' : Many Up-Sides He said!

''Thinking about what I wanted t to do next has always been a problem growing up.  So, to cover the problem I made things up to make it look like I wasn't the fool people believed I was. It worked well all through school, including law school. After all, I was a Biiyden so I got a pass to make it through often though my grades suffered. 

''It's difficult to lie in law school where I had to use paper and pencil to continue my craft of lying which made it a struggle. Law school ended with me in bottom 6 of the class.

''But all that failure changed when I entered politics. I found it completely dominated by lies from everyone I knew, not just me!

''Then I made lying to the world an art form, telling tall tales that everyone knew were lies but they were so entertaining, no one cared, everyone laughed instead of calling me out! Life is good.

As vice president with Barrrack and then as president, I become the ''lier in chief'', the perfect foil for Barrrack and his minions lurking in the darkness ready to do his bidding which left me doing my thing at the end of the strings attached to my body and brain, jumping around making people laugh and cry from things I said and did!

The ultimate puppet! None better! Brainless, ethically
depraved, and moraless. The perfect democraaat!
 moralless and brainless.

Being Pissed Off A Fender On A First Date! : Jay Leno!!

 This is a good one for Monday morning!

Jay Leno went into the audience to find the most embarrassing first date that a woman ever had. The winner described her worst first date experience. There was absolutely no question as to why her tale took the prize!

She said it was midwinter, snowing and quite cold... and the guy had taken her skiing in the mountains outside Salt Lake City, Utah. It was a day trip (no overnight).

They were strangers, after all, and had never met before. The outing was fun but relatively uneventful until they were headed home late that afternoon. They were driving back down the mountain when she gradually began to realize that she should not have had that extra latte !! 

They were about an hour away from anywhere with a restroom and in the middle of nowhere! Her companion suggested she try to hold it, which she did for a while.

Unfortunately, because of the heavy snow and slow going, there came a point where she told him that he had better stop and let her go beside the road, or it would be the front seat of his car. 

They stopped and she quickly crawled out beside the car, yanked her pants down and started. In the deep snow she didn't have good footing, so she let her butt rest against the rear fender to steady herself. 

Her companion stood on the side of the car watching for traffic and indeed was a real gentleman and refrained from peeking. All she could think about was the relief she felt despite the rather embarrassing nature of the situation.

Upon finishing, however, she soon became aware of another sensation. As she bent to pull up her pants, the young lady discovered her buttocks were firmly glued against the car's fender. 

Thoughts of tongues frozen to poles immediately came to mind as she attempted to disengage her flesh from the icy metal. It was quickly apparent that she had a brand new problem, due to the extreme cold.

Horrified by her plight and yet aware of the humor of the moment, she answered her date's concerns about' what is taking so long' with a reply that indeed, she was 'freezing her butt off' and in need of some assistance! 

He came around the car as she tried to cover herself with her sweater and then, as she looked imploringly into his eyes, he burst out laughing. She too got the giggles and when they finally managed to compose themselves, they assessed her dilemma. Obviously, as hysterical as the situation was, they also were faced with a real problem.

Both agreed it would take something hot to free her chilly cheeks from the grip of the icy metal! Thinking about what had gotten her into the predicament in the first place, both quickly realized that there was only one way to get her free. So, as she looked the other way, her first-time date proceeded to unzip his pants and pee her butt off the fender.

As the audience screamed in laughter, she took the Tonight Show prize hands down. Or perhaps that should be 'pants down'. And you thought your first date was embarrassing.

Jay Leno's comment..... 'This gives a whole new meaning to being pissed off.'

Oh, and how did the first date turn out? He became her husband and was sitting next to her on the Leno show.

If you laughed at this pass it on. Remember, if you haven't got a smile on your face and laughter in your heart, then you are just a sour old fart or tart.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Maxine Waters Concedes Her Part In Political Violence!

 And why not given how glorious the ''Sumer of Love'' was back in 2020 where she explained what will happen and did to 25 people who died, 1100 police were injured and she and her friends on the ground did more than 2 $billion dollars damage in over 750 riots of burning and looting cities and town.

Oh yeah, we can't forget Kamala Harris and her efforts on television to raise money for the defense of those arrested for arson and bodily assault. 

Hey, nothing to see here, just being good democraaats that they are, doing their duty for the collective!

And by the way no one was ever sent to jail like the 1000s arrested and jailed for going to the open house at the capital on January 6th and 1000s more are being targeted for arrest. Some who never were at the capital. 

But hey, they're Republicans so justice is being done!

What The Hell Is Wrong With Joe? : Or Is It Just Being Joe!?

 No matter whether he was thirty or eighty, he was always a willing fool and he acted the fool but got away with it because those who continued to vote for him are fools as well. 

And now as president, running for reelection, the fools are still willing to vote again to demonstrate their sickness on the national stage. Nothing has changed. Once fools, always fools!

People who are fools love company! They love free stuff as well!  (Or maybe not now as that the fool is out of control!)

The all-consuming fool only gets animated when it appears the free ride might end!

Joe's free ride is about to end? No more ice cream cones or
long days one the beach!? Joe says, ''Come on man, I'm not
going anywhere!!''

democraaat Joe Biiyden Is President! : Joe Biiyden Is Mentally Incompetent In 2024!! Now What?

The question many people with a grip on common sense is, how can Joe Biiyden be seen as unable to represent the democraaat collective as a candidate for president of the United States because he is mentally ill, but still well enough to lead the free world as our leader?

Something here is terrible wrong with the  democraaat strategy in this election series coming in November. They knew Joe was sick when they put him up as a candidate in 2020, but also knew he would be easily duped into doing whatever they, Barrrack and friends, wanted him to do and say! 

After 8 years of being Barrrack VP, Barrrack knew Joe was the perfect puppet to dance to his toon!

He was the perfect candidate. A willing simpleton, totally incompetent as a national leader and yet the democraaats got him elected. Their strategy worked to perfection, almost.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

There's A Battle for The Soul of America! : But Why?

 It's clear we know what works for success in America and has for 250 years, and yet the Marxist liberated  democraaats demand we stop being successful and join them in their quest for subjective failure, resulting in poverty and pestilence.

The newly liberated Marxist democraaat's agenda and ideology is based on the population have on options other than obedience. Individual freedom and liberty to being who and what they want to be from your own hard work and dedication to that task is not acceptable.

As we are witnessing this ideology becoming a reality in America after only 4 years of Marxist democraaat rule, our only hope for reconciliations is in the hands of Donald Trump who has a proven 4-year record of success.

Donald Trump is our last and best hope for survival of our country as a free nation. To fail in this duty were others in our past have succeeded is unacceptable. This is where history will blamed this present generation of citizens for such a failure to deliver success where our predecessors have succeeded, many giving their last full measured in their duty for God, family and country.

In November, vote like you understand what's at stake! To fail in this task is a failure of self awareness and conscience!

Climate Change Insanity : After 40 Years, Nothing!!!

The insanity of climate change is beginning to fade like everything else that begs the question of what is real and what is a bold-faced lie!

But after more than 40 years of Marxist leftists communists demanding we are going to die if we don't stop the world from spinning in the wrong direction, still hammer away at taxpayers for more and more money for research to save the planet. 

That we all haven't died over the years is of no concern for millions of good folks that acquiesced to the nonsensical demands of the lefts blood suckers who are given a voice in the media!

The bigger the lie the bigger demand for more money.

Descartes Said ''I Think, Therefore I Am''! : But Others Don't?

 This guy was making headlines in the press a long time ago, but to think he would have made the same remarkable startlement like he did would be a stretch today given our current society of a plethora of nonthinkers, he would be aghast at the intellectual muck dominating our discourse!

Oh my word, he's recognized as a thinker'' in polite society and he
 just made that statement as fact. A party's leader that can't
walk up stairs accepted as our leader!?

Friday, July 19, 2024

Why Would You Vote democraaat? : Who Are They Actually? (Video)

 Interesting narration on who the democraaats are and the confusion among their ranks but still loyal to a fault! Who are these people why are they so willing to be abused!

Old Joe Heading For Pasture Time? : Barrrack Gives The Command for Change!!

Well, what seemed to be the narrative of Joe staying the course has changed now with Barrrack coming out to demonstrate who is actually in charge of our government, making the decision to throw old Joe under the bus.

But this isn't really news that Barrrack was the guy pulling on the strings to make Joe do and say what Barrrack wanted to make his third term in office a success. But things have not worked out like he wanted with having Joe Biiyden sitting in the Oval Office. 

Barrrack knew his vice president was slipping over edge for 8 years, and his friends in the media knew Joe as well was just ''old Joe, the buffoon'', but they covered for him!!

Barrack understood he had to make some more fundamental changes to the power structure if he wanted a fourth and final term in office. He knows he is close for finally having his jihad for global domination of like mind states around the world with the same vision for the future, a one people and one authority power structure for ultimate control!

It's extremely important to understand, this election is not a slam dunk for Donald Trump, the Marist liberated democraaats never coned anything, ever!!! There are no limits to what they will do to remain in power when they know they are close to sealing their fate for their new a vision and ideology for America!

A Government Not Of The People!? : democraaat Ideology In Crisis!?

 It sure seems like the democraaats are caught between a rock and a hard place with their decision to dump their choose nominee Joe Biiyden from the ticket to run for the presidency.

They say he isn't mentally acute enough to hold a leadership position in government where he has to make decision concerning life and death situations here and around the world or just day to day problems around the country. 

It's as though the power structure behind Joe Biiyden all of a sudden recognizes he isn't well. What?

Many people who are desperately looking for leadership in our country as American comes apart at the the seams, as they witness our current president Joe Biiyden first hand on television being unaware and confused while speaking on stage or just greeting people in a crowd.

The fact is the ''deep state'' of democraaat operatives who are acutely making all of the decisions for the Biiyden's presidency, knew for years Joe Biiyden is mentally unfit for the presidency or just to be left alone without supervision. They just wanted a ''fall guy'', a puppet to cover for what the real power structure was doing to fundamentally change the government and our country.

Sadly, as many of us know, millions of citizens (and noncitizens) are read to join the change!

The must be stopped from have a vote!

Thursday, July 18, 2024

What's Wrong With Being Unaware? : Life Is Like Eating Ice cream!

 Life for Joe Biiyden is no larger than his next ice cream cone. This is the time that he knows he is in control of the situation. All that's required of him is to lick! He really enjoys not being told what to do all the time.

 He also knows once he is done licking the ice cream and eating the cone, he won't have a clue where he is or what to do next. ''JILL!!!''

Life is good!

How bad can it be when you have someone close by to
show you what shoe goes on what foot!

''Hey, don't laugh! Cone on man, it's confusing!!''

Joe Biiyden Demands No Voter Id!! : How Come?

 With 12 million new illegal immigrants in the country and 22 million already here for decades, what stops them from voting in our elections except proving they are citizens in good standing with a valid id.

If you still are questing why he and all other democraaats in Washington opened the borders to all comers from around the world, wonder no longer! 

It's called the ''replacement theory''. The democraaats know their insidious effort to cement a total control of the power for control in this county is beginning to fail. So by making all elections fool proof with millions of people who have no interest in what goes around them, they have them now as proxies to vote them into power forever!!!

The question that remains is why are they willing to destroy
our freedom to choose just so they can take what ever 
they want from others?

Are they truly that morally and ethically corrupt!?

This is Good! : Trump Uses Strength As A Weapon! (Great Video)

President Trump explained to Taliban leadership what would happen if one hair on an American was injured while we left Afghanistan!! 


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Joe Gets Dragged Toward The Finish Line! : Jill Grabbing For The Brass Ring!

 When I see this behavior on Joe's account by someone with desperate alternative issues, the one line in the here and now is she is ''beating a dead horse''!

But never believe the democraaats are going to just give up and go silently into the night! Just because the leader of the collective is on his knees from exhaustion, they are busy at work doing what they do best and that's stealing the election like all they have won since 2021, where they focus on close attention to detail and very dedicated workers to make all come together!

Never ever believe they can't win!

Jill wants and needs a way to stay relevant. Being force out of the 
White House dooms her to a darkness so complete that she
will find no life worth living, especially with a man who 
still thinks he's always ready bed.

Yeah, Right! democraaats Say Trump Is Unhinged! : Projection!!!

 The democraaats demand the population not believe their collective ears and eyes for what they see on television. Joe Biiyden is the man of the hour, day, month and the year who demonstrates what it means to be unhinged, a serious risk to himself and others.

Joe Biiyden is what experts say is mentally challenged to the point where he no longer can be considered a real viable member of a civil society but more like an escaped patient from a local institution. And yet he is the leader of the Marxist liberated democraaats effort to once and for all ''fundamentally change the country'' from a federation of individual free states to a socialist conglomerate of likeminded local and federal authoritarian collectives.

A man the nation can consider an unhinged lunatic is now Joe Biiyden.

Rage against the night! Sleepy Joe!

democraaat Dreams! : The Final Solution Failed!!

 When you have no issues and no ideas to actually ''Build Back Better'', and with time running out, where does one turn to level the playing field? The fear is real and all consuming.

A democraaat knows without the power to control others, they are less than nothing.

All limits are off and by any means necessary!

What will happen now when the ultimate solution failed to
assure a win in November for democraaats?

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Ford GT 40 At Speed At SPA : Fantastic!! (Video)

Just imagine being the dirver  here!!


Calvin Loses The Voter Debate? : A Disgusting Loss!

Even after the near loss of out candidate last Saturday, and if the worst had happened, the democraaats would possibility of staying in power. The country would become a socialist sewer of corruption forcing a failed state of hatred for the people and where the freedom to choose your own destiny will be lost!

Brenie Sanders Legacy Is Questionable! : Communists Are Not Acceptable!? (Yet?)

 AOC has accepted the flag to continue Berne's quest for Barrrack's ''fundamental change''. Perhaps though, Barrrack's change was not communist but for some kind of a religious jihad worldwide where he and others like him would be in control.

But as it turns out, she is running away from Barrrack and keeping the faith for carrying Bern's torch to establish a socialist state with her calling the shots and Bernie whining up under the bus!

As with all politics and politicians, it's always about what you take from others before they have a chance to take from you!

The grandmaster communist and his apprentice!

Innovations For Charging Electric Cars : There Are No limits! (Video)

 This is fantastic! Even better of course is if we get lucky enough to win the election in November, maybe we can eliminate all subsidies for the production of non-fossil fuel electric energy.

And maybe better yet, all subsidies  for all energy production will set the industry free to find its own level of ''equity''!! It works every time. sink or swim!!

Atheism Discussion: There Is No God or Hell? (Video)

 Interesting discussion between strangers on an airplane. The conclusion is profound!

Happy Dogs Means Happey People : A Feel Good Video!!

You have to enjoy this little video, or you're more mentally troubled than Joe Biiyden. After what happened last Saturday as God did his part to save us from catastrophic calamity, now our dogs using their part to smooth the day with some good smiles!


Monday, July 15, 2024

Joe Says Inflation Is Way Down! : 50 Cents Is Now 85 Cents?

Just saying, people who have to live in real time understand what it means to have to pay more for the same items they bought just 4 years ago!

How did this happen? Did Donald Trump leave Joe a bad economy back in 2021?

Joe Was Never That Mentally Ready to Serve! : He Just Got Worse!

Why don't we hear anything about Joe's two brain surgeries and how that has affected his behavior going forward? 

Understand, at the same time, he was never all that mentally statute even before the surgeries as anyone that watched his career during and since his leaving Delaware for the big time. 

Joe was a metal midget from the very beginning but a good ''conman'' and therefore a good democraaat which explains everything! There's no use trying to replace a broken hard drive in a machine that's obsolete!

Now you know the rest of the story of how he became president!

Joe was born needing a lot of attention. 

The democraaat's Strategy Works! : Projection! Projection!

If you listen to the manic rhetoric gibberish from the Marxist liberated democraaats like on CNN, MSNBC and virtually all other media on a minute-to-minute basis, you know how this works. What democraaats are saying about Trump and his deployable flowers is exactly what they themselves are doing at that very moment!

Thew democrats us ''projection'' as a tool to disguise what they are doing and intend to do to others!

It not difficult to see this as we are subjected to hateful tirades so often and with serious frons on their talking heads, little is left to understand why we now have crossed that point in time where the democraaats have decided there is no other course of action but to eliminate the opposition and by any means necessary.

But hey, they say just because we advocate the best way to save ''democracy'' by using of a bullet doesn't mean we don't care about democracy, it's just that we want to impress on those that are in opposition to what we believe how democracy must be defined. 

It is extremely important to our way of life to have rules and regulations to protect those in power from extremists advocating a decentralized authority is unacceptable to us and how strongly we feel about those that want to take it away from us!

How many times have the Marxist democraaats say Trump
must not get back into the White House because if he does
he will never leave, even though he left in 2021!