Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Governor Hochul of New York Describes Trump People!

 It's amazing she has the gale to take a stand against people who just want to have life they an enjoy without the fear of being driven into poverty. And a life they had once just 4 years ago and now want it back.

And on top of that, thousands are leaving the great state of New York for places that provide them with the necessities for having a future. The way New York is run now with her and her friends in the Marxist liberated democraaat collective, they are being squeezed by regulations and high taxes to a point where they have no choice but to leave or be crushed.

Who voted ore her? I wonder if they know what they have done
and if it was a mistake? But being good democraaats, the possibility
they have no idea they are willing participants in the destruction
of the entire state.

Never vote democraaat ever again. Life is short enough without
pressing harder on the escalator to make your own demise
a reality. Sadly, many don't see the problem and when it hits
them they won't know why.

''What's your problem? I'm doing great! Lots of power and
money coming my way, so shut up and go away!!''

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