Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Stimulus Package Upgrade Is Here From Biden : This One Has Promise!

 Biden's promises of helping out the little people that he and his friends said they would if elected,(he knew he would be elected) but can't because they have stolen everything that isn't nailed down for themselves and then much of what is nailed down. 

So here is your reward for allowing the progressive socialist Marxist democraaats to steal the election! (So get in line, it forming as we speak and it's huge)

Just wanted to let you know - today I received my 2021 Social Security replacement Stimulus Package. It contained tomato seeds, cornbread mix, two discount coupons to KFC, a 'Biden Hope & Change' bumper sticker, a prayer rug, a machine to blow smoke up my ass, and a 'Blame it on Trump' poster for the front yard. 

The directions were in Spanish. Yours should arrive soon but if doesn't it's because you haven't shown proper subrogation which is a prerequisite! Luckily I did take a knee right away so I was one of the first to be rewarded for my obedience!

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