Saturday, February 27, 2021

Some Texans Looking For A Plug-In!? But Wait, No Power?? Why?? Who Knew??

The progressive socialist liberal Marxist democraaats hate fossil energy and will make it go away no matter the consequences even though the demand for more energy is rampantly increasing. An increase of more the 8% per year. Fossil energy provides more then 60% of the energy needed for industry and citizen consumption. Wind and solar by 2035 will provides 13%.

See any problem with the progressive Marxists demands that we subject ourselves to being proactive in our sacrifices for the planet by going without electrical power? You as citizens must understand your responsibility to do what ever it takes, no matter the sacrifice of your physical needs.

Just because wind power and solar won't work all the time doesn't mean you have to have power all the time. Just wait until the wind blows again or the snow and ice melt. 

It might take months but you have to feel good that your sacrifice of starving to death or freezing to death or roasting to death, you are doing so for a good of a noble cause, saving the planet!!!!!!!!!!

Is this an execration? Is the winter disaster in Texas a good
example of criminal environmental wokness? Of is it just
a population that is ignorant and lazy?

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