Monday, December 03, 2018

Trumps Moves In For A Closer Look : Republicans Run for Cover

And then Trump moves in for a close look. Republicans run for cover. The spineless and gutless, the sycophant disciples of personal greed and ignorance, scared of everything that resembles responsibility to the public that does the work and pays the bills. Thank God for one person that cares about us.

It is about trust. We know Donald Trump will be there for us and work tireless to turn the lights back on in our bright shining city on the hill of individual freedom and liberty. Who can we turn to for help?

Who else takes a stand to fight those that want nothing more then to drive the country into a progressive socialist liberal nightmare where only poverty and pestilence remain and the elite socialsit or worse in charge get rich.

How did the progressive socialsit get back the House of Represenstives? Who in the hell willingly voted to make their lives worse. The country is headed to recovery and yet the voters decided it has to stop. They voted for self destruction.

Are the voters so use to failure that was taking place before Trump took office, that once confronted with success they run for cover, fearful of things they can't understand even though they are personally experiencing success? They can't recognize success?

And as a result of fear of the unknown or worse, they vote back in all those that drove our great country into decline and default? Which is it? Ignorance or just plain stupidity!!

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