Sunday, December 16, 2018

Progressive Thought And Social Media : Treachery. Malfeasance. Lawlessness.

The debauchery of progressive socialist liberal thought and ideology begs the notion liberals democrats are without any standing among rational humans. No acceptable ethical or moral standards to guide them in a civil society. Their contempt for the rule of law is without limit. They truly are members of the walking dead. Driven. Maniacal with ruthless ambition to get and keep the power for control.

Cinderella and Snow White are now racist and misogynistic. Once the progressive socialsit liberals have destroyed the foundation tenants of civil society, the porgressive socialists have no plans for the future of after destruction, all that will remain is chaos, poverty and pestilence.

Their crushing cries of frustration and anger for having to live sequestered out of the seats of power is on display every day in main stream networks and social media. Their hate for everything and anything that resembles common sense and logical thought which stands in their way back to control of all outcomes is unmatched in our history as a nation.

And if the truth be known, which I firmly believe to be true, the television series ''The Walking Dead'' was fashioned after the history of the democrat collective, formally the democrat party. 

The similarities are astounding.

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