Monday, August 27, 2018

Bernie's Utopia for The Good Life : Other Peoples Money

All things for all people with other peoples money.

Crazy Bernie has come into the political arena riding a great white horse called socialism, proclaiming life is free for the taking.

Others will pay the bills so you can have what ever you want and not have to pay for anything.

But what he neglects to say is when the bill does come due, and it always does, history has proven it every time, the cost to those that join the band of free-loaders will be catastrophic for them personally as well as the entire country.

And when the disciples of free loading have had the enviable awakening to the riggers of a socialsit state, wide eyed like deer in the headlights, they will wonder what happened and how come we are destitute.

Of course Bernie will have the answer, the forces arrayed against his plan wrecked it. It's not my fault, it's all of those people over there that stopped me and you from the land of all things to all people for free.

Bernie will say 'we haven't even begun to run out of other peoples money and yet they have stepped in my way to obtain my socialsit utopia for everyone becoming a realiy'.

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