Sunday, July 01, 2018

Justice Kennedy Retires : America Reborn for The 21st Century!

Kennedy retires : America reborn for the 21st Century
Then the worst happened to the progressive socialsit liberal democrats that already have their criminal collective backs to the wall with Trumps economy booming and foreign policy actually makin a difference across the world.

Now this, Trump will swing the high court for the next 40 years in the direction of Constitutional law for the country.

What a concept! And even better is that Ginsberg in on a slippery sloop headed into retirement as well as Kennedy. She is 84!

Chances are she will wind up stiff at her desk.

But wait, more good news, Justice Byer is 79 and also looking over the edge of the coming abyss of doddering and stumbling. Who knew any of this back in 2016. Oh wait, the people did!

Trump having 4 appointments to the high court in the next several years will drive the socialist terror groups further into the muck of mental diseases of destructive liberalism? The progressive socialist liberal democrat last ditch fall-back position for destroying America as founded will no longer be a viable solution for not have a coherent issue to explain who they are, hate for America and it's people is not viable strategy to win or steal elections.

The people understand this as they proved by in November of 2016. Never vote democrat again!

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