Sunday, July 29, 2018

President Trump's Agenda of Success : democrats Whine On The Porch.

Winning is the most important agenda for Trump. Making America great can only be accomplished by having a winning agenda and philosophy. Attitude, as ''they'' say, is by choice.  What you believe is possible makes all the difference. but it won't happen if you have no vision or will to make it happen. Sitting down and whining, complaining about what others haven't done is not a winning strategy.

 You can't lose if you are a winner even when the people that stand on the sidelines, screaming foul can't stop you from being successful. Right?

It just can't get any simpler then that. The people see and understand. Actions speak louder then tearful rhetoric. 

democrats fearful the people will see them as losers. Who knew?

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