Friday, July 20, 2018

Paul Ryan, ''White Identity Politics'' Are Not Solutions : True Conservatives Must Look To Classical Liberalism

Who the hell is this new Paul Ryan? What happened to the old Paul Ryan? It certainly not the same guy that stood for truth and justice that appeared on the scene decades ago fighting for the right to have a meaningful debate on American values and the principle of individual freedom to chose. The god of government back then was the problem, not the solution.

Instead we have a Paul Ryan that cannot find a place in the 'new wave' progressive socialist ideology of rage and destruction of our country that suits his former identity of being a fighter for America as founded. Taking a knee to the socialists is not going to bring America back to what made this country for all the world see America as that ''shining city on the hill''.

It seems the ''new'' Paul Ryan believes people like Rush Limbaugh and Shawn Hannity among other ''Conservative'' talkers or even Fox News has no place for this discussion, but are the problem and the progressive socialsit liberal democrats are the solution to what ails our country. 

Classical liberalism is the solution? What is classical Conservativism? To get along go along? What world are you living in Paul? Apparently reality has no place  for common sense solutions.

Paul looking for answers in all the wrong places.

Paul Ryan: ‘White Identity Politics’ of Alt-Right Isn’t Conservatism, but Racism

House Speaker Paul Ryan warned that the alt-right was about “identity politics” and said conservatives must reclaim “hijacked” terminology.

“Intellectually do everything you can to defeat the alt-right,” Ryan said Thursday in an interview with Jonah Goldberg, a senior editor at National Review and a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, where the interview was held.

“It is identity politics, it is antithetical to what we believe, and it’s a hijacking of our terms, just like the progressives hijacked the word, ‘liberalism,’ the blood-and-soil nationalists of the alt-right have hijacked things like ‘Western civilization,’” Ryan, R-Wis., added.

“So we have to go back and fight for our ground and re-win these ideas and marginalize these guys as best we can to the corners.”

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Ryan said it was crucial to do a “better job,” adding that, “how do we get the core back, how do we get back classical liberalism, properly understood, in the 21st century so that we can relegate this stuff to the ash heap it belongs.”

“They don’t believe in classical liberalism if they believe in this kind of white identity politics,” Ryan said. “That is not conservatism. That is racism, that is nationalism, that is not what we believe in, that is not the founding vision, that is not the Founders’ creed, that is not natural rights, that is not natural law.”

“So what do we have to do? We have to go back and reteach and relitigate and relearn and re-expose people to these concepts, that’s the way I see it.”

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