Sunday, June 24, 2018

The Russian Probe Is Dead : Now It's About the Children

Republicans are always ready and willing to take a knee rather then
stand and fight on principle.

It is all about the children. The sad part is the progressive liberal democrats just mean enough and smart enough to understand the Republicans are not fighters for what they believe.

When the democrats roll out the ''child'' agenda card, the Republicans reel in fear at the thought of rebutting that agenda because the vicious amoral socialist press will demand why  Republicans hate children?

dah! The main stream progressive liberal media will say this no matter what the Republican say or do. And why not as it works every time it's used.

Republican leadership is pathetic and soulless. To many years of folding their cards before the end of the game. It's easier to 'go along to get along'.

The progressive liberal democrats know this all to well and they can easily beat the Republicans into submission.

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