Sunday, June 24, 2018

democrats Beating The Russian Dead Horse : What's Next? Immigration.

Beating a dead horse. True, but now that the horse is dead, they move on to the next phase of the progressive socialsit liberal strategy of unrelenting hate for America and her Constitution. democrats hate citizens that have decided that the culture and ideology of progressive liberal socialism is a losing proposition as they came out in force electing a solution to the stop the destruction of our country.

Now that the horse is dead, the next step is more hate, more intense hate for America and her citizen non-believers of liberalism. But hate can never be less, only more, Hate feeds on itself as witness the progressive socialsit liberal media on a daily basis. The rational mind is sent reeling at the outrageous and depraved lunatics that pass themselves off as serious people on national media.

The scariest part in all this unmitigated hate for freedom and liberty is that it could or will work to bring hate back democrat criminals as the rule of the day as too many voters will stay home out of disgust and the brain dead liberal base of voters that watch the ''lettered channels'' fostering hate as news, as well as the new immigrate votes will win the day for liberal democrats.

If that's the case, our country will be lost. democrats mean to do us harm as we have all seen this transpire on television over the last several months. This travesty of criminal activity is the very face of the democrat's progressive liberalism.

The ideology of progressive liberal socialism will indeed destroy the freedom to chose and therefore the democrats will finally have the ability to shut off the lights of that Reagan ''shinning city on the hill'' that is America.

It's clear, never vote for a democrat if you understand our individual freedom depends on the common sense to understand that having others make decisions for you is not freedom but tyranny.

The horse is dead. but never fear there are other horses they will beat to death 
before November.

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