Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Iran Getting Nuclear Weapons : Barrrack's Deal Is A Good Thing - Trumps's Taking NoKos Not So Much

Barrrack's Iran deal is was good but Trumps NOKO deal is a bad deal? Actually doing something that has a good chance of making a difference and having a positive outcome to control nuclear weapons that are in the hands of a child, is demonized by the progressive socialist liberal democrat

Barrrack made sure Iran would get nuclear weapon even to the point of helping to finance their construction? How come? What was Barrack's strategy?

Why is that? Tell me the socialsit liberal democrats aren't willing to risk national security just to get even with Trump for crushing their heavily flawed candidate Hillary? It just can't be that unscrupulous and immoral liberal democrats are willing to sacrifice everything, including themselves in many cases, although they don't understand how that will happen, to regain their right to the power to control the people and their options for living a free life?

Can it be just that simple? Everything is about absolute power and the rewards that come with it? If you are still confused, go back and check the history of the Clintons! Or go back and actually listen to what Barrrack said in 2008 on the campaign trail or just before the 2012 election.

If none of the checks you make in political history on these two isn't enough to lighten your load of doubt, then there really isn't much left to hope for your renewal of spirit.

The best thing then is to never vote democrat again. That will solves nearly all of our problems and then you can rest easy knowing the bad guys are actually history.

Liberal democrats sacrifice national security for power.

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