Thursday, September 15, 2016

Women In The Draft Is A Disaster (Video) : Women At Higher Risk.

The Ogbjma administration is focused on bringing the military to it's knees and therefore rendering it powerless to defend the country or it's obligation to our Constitution. With our military powerless to defend this country from attack or project power abroad, the only alternative is to become subordinated to the real power located in the middle east and do their bidding.

Knowing how having women in combat next to men is a sure way to dissolve unit cohesion and effeteness, Mr Ogbjma and the progressive liberals democrats demand women subject to the draft to bring equality? Hardly, and as this video points out, women in combat is a disaster for all concerned.

Then why else would our leader do everything in his power to place our country at risk with the Iran nuclear deal, open boarders and an economic disastrous agenda that rewards unemployment and poverty, other then to bring a religious ideology for ''fundamental transformation'' as he promised in 2008 of our civil society.

Why This Female Veteran Is Against Women in the Draft
Kelsey Harkness / /     

Although the United States has not issued a draft since the Vietnam War in 1973, Congress is in the final negotiating stages for a measure that could require women over the age of 18 to register for the draft.

While some members say requiring women to register in the Selective Service is another step toward removing gender-based barriers against women in the military, others, such as Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., view it as an “unnecessary and divisive culture war.”

Jude Eden, a Marine Corps veteran who served from 2004 to 2008 and overseas in Iraq, shared her personal take about why she believes forcing women into the draft poses a danger for the country’s national defense.

Watch the video to find out more.

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