Monday, September 05, 2016

The Clintons Identified As Crooks : Harry S Truman

This is not news to anyone that has been paying attention to the Clintons over the decades, and watching what is transpiring on television the on going disaster of Hillary's email server and the Clinton Foundations criminal activities.

That is, if you watch FOX News or listen to most take radio to acquire your information to make decisions, as the 'lettered channels' are mostly not covering it, the Clintons $100 million is peanuts to the more then a $billion dollars they have accumulated in the Clinton Crime Family Foundation.

Still the most depressing fact in all this is millions of people have no idea who these people are. Worse, millions of people are not even capable of digesting and understanding information that they might get to make comprehensive decision related to these two people.

To tens of millions of people that if they witnessed the Clintons committing a capital criminal act would deny what they see as true even if their lives depending on it.

Again, it's in the DNA of these people. They are different then ordinary people, a subspecies that is oblivious to reality. There lives are totally consumed by fantasy. They find so much easier allowing others to make decision for them, it's just less stressful then having to confront everyday problems requiring and making thoughtful decisions.

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