Saturday, August 13, 2016

Voter ID Under Attack Again : Progressive Biased Judges Fear Honest Election

Isn't it more then a little strange that the progressive socialist liberal democrats would fight so hard to make sure anyone can get into the country and anyone can vote no matter who they are or where they come from no matter if they are citizens or not.

For progressive democrats warm bodies are enough.

Voter fraud is alive and well and it seems the democrats depend on this fraud to help them win elections by prostituting the election system anyway they can. It is about winning and getting and keeping power, and you have to understand, there are no limits to what they will do to win.

But it's not just voter ID being under attack from legislators, it the justice system that is being used and abused by democrats to protect their criminal operation for vote getting by judges unabashedly ruling against voter ID as unconstitutional, even though most states have the high courts approve of the law. Yet judges use progressive bias alone to stall peoples rights to free and lawful election.

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